Data Mapping

Data Mapping
Data Mapping
Data Mapping

Where does your data live, and why is this important?

A major cybersecurity concern is that many in Upper Management don’t know where or how critical company data is stored. When we ask CISOs “What keeps you up at night?” the response is almost always: “I have no idea where my data resides!” Therein lies a significant risk. If you don’t know where your data is, and are unable to determine its levels of exposure, you cannot protect yourself or your organization effectively. This challenge demands a strong, rigorous data management approach: develop or refresh your Big Data/Business Taxonomy.

Our Big Data/Business Taxonomy approach:

SonMax Consultants Inc. examines the perils and consequences of unmanaged content within your organization. We probe the key business drivers including:

  • Is digital information growth making the company more effective or less so ?
  • Can you find information quickly and easily?
  • Are your collaboration tools sufficient to support employee and project needs?
  • Can customers and partners find information easily?